Monday, January 13, 2014

New Assessments Begin in 2014-015.

Smarter Balanced Assessments:  Here's the DPI web page devoted to SMARTER:

It will be good if we are all as prepared as possible for the new assessments. To that end, we encourage you to click on the links and try out the assessment questions so you have a feel for what our students will be experiencing.

Try going to the sample test and using the resource page designed to assist teachers in understanding the test format and type of questions as well as how they are scored. Also on that page, look at the resources and documentation page.

Smarter Balanced Assessments for Grades 3-8:

FYI --- the WKCE will still be given in the fall for science and social studies. 

ACT Suite – Aspire – online version for grades 9 and 10. 
Timing of assessments – 4 hours total testing for all five subjects.  The average single test duration as low as 30 minutes and not greater that 65 minutes per test.